New Brewery in the Works

By March 27, 2012Blog, Brewery

My name is Aaron Young. Most people call me AY. I enjoy brewing beer. Although, the five bubbling carboys, the spare room crammed with brewing equipment, the bookshelf full of brewing books, and the eighty new hop plants I planted, might indicate that “enjoy” is not a strong enough word.

I have a creative side that needs to be fed. That has led to a lot of satisfaction with bartending over the years. In fact, I have had a nice job bartending at JT Walker’s for the past few of them. I really enjoy creating drinks. And, as JT’s has been finding its identity as a beer bar, I have been finding my creative outlet in brewing beer. This has coincided perfectly with JT’s idea to open a brewery.

As the new brewery gets ready to open, I have been increasing my efforts and obsessions to produce quality beers. I don’t have any hang-ups about particular styles and tastes. I enjoy the taste of hot peppers. I enjoy the taste of strawberry ice cream. I’d love to drink a milk stout. I’d love to drink a double IPA. I like bitter as well as sweet, and I enjoy all of the flavors in between. What I don’t like are things made without any heart. I don’t appreciate mindless production that never searches for soul. I enjoy quality. I respect effort. I believe in hard work. With these thoughts in mind, I am very excited to begin the journey with you of brewing beers for you. I very sincerely hope you enjoy them.


Head Brewer
JT Walker’s Brewery

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